
A prestigious national award for Maria Tsvetanova (8 a)

Maria Tsvetanova (8a) won the prestigious third place in the national round of the Oral and Communicative Skills competition in English. According to our student her participation in this contest was a serious challenge in three rounds – internal, regional and national. The contestants showed remarkable skills in expressing their opinion on an unfamiliar topic first in a written form and then during an interview with the jury. Maria excelled in her age group and was the only one who qualified for the next round of the competition. Here’s what our student has shared: ‘All the hard labour – mine and of course that of my two teachers Zhenya Marinova and Kameliya Antonova- paid off when we found out the results! I want to thank everyone who supported me during this unforgettable adventure!’
We congratulate Maria and hope she continues to reach new heights in her education!
