International projects
The European Job Market
Since September 2009 American College Arcus® has been working on the European Comenius project “The European Job Market”. Students from grade 12B have been participating with students from the following project partners:
Colegiul National Silvania, Zalau, Romania;
Abdulkerim Bengi Anadolu Lisesi, Tarsus, Тurkey;
Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore "Vanoni", Nardo , Italy;
Colegiul Tehnic “Alesandru Paplu Ilarian”, Zalau, Romania;
I.E.S. “Martin Rivero”, Ronda, Spain.
This is a two year project which focuses on informing students about the opportunities offered by the European job market. The final product will be a manual inroducing various ways of looking for a job, attractive jobs, how to attend a job interview, how to apply for a job and what papers you need to prepare when applying. The manual will be published in English and in the languages of the countries participating in the project.
To date, three meetings have been held abroad, in which 17 Bulgarian students and 7 Bulgarian teachers have participated. The Comenius project requires that a minimum of 20 student "trips to particpate" in these international meetings take place within the 2 year time frame.
First meeting: 15 – 22 November 2009, Zalau, Romania
Second meeting: 8 - 14 February 2010, Ronda, Spain
Third meeting: 2 – May 2010, Tarsus, Turkey

Trilingual Travel Guide for Young People
European Commission Comenius Programme
Comenius School Partneship
Project title: Trilingual Travel Guide for Young People – presenting the towns of Vienna and Veliko Tarnovo in the following languages: Bulgarian, German and English.
Coordinating organization - BgwiKuRg 6 Amerlinggymnasium Wien - Austria
Partner organization - American College Arcus® Veliko Tarnovo - Bulgaria
Type of partnership: Bilateral language project
Duration of project: 2 years (2007-2009)
Topics of mutual interest: Intercultural dialogue, tourism, foreign languages
Number of participants: 22 students from American College Arcus®
Project description:
The aims of the project were to broaden and enlarge general knowledge about Bulgarian and Austrian cultural heritage; to probe deeply into the foreign culture, get to know it and build skills for understanding it; to overcome possibly existing prejudices; to foster tolerant attitude, accepting foreign, different cultural characteristics; to encourage intercultural relationships and global knowledge sharing.
The students from the two partner-schools exchanged experience, and got acquainted with different education systems, forms of organization and methods of work.
A Tourist Guide of the towns of Veliko Tarnovo and Vienna was compiled as an end product from the project. The Guide was published in three languages both on paper and electronically.

Intercultural Youth Mobility
European commission Youth in Action Programm
Intercultural Youth Mobility
Coordinating organization: Agrupamento 1112 do Corpo Nacional de Escutas Portugal
Partner organizations:
- American College Arcus® Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
- Kath.Kirchengemeinde Herz-Jesu - Germany
- Kath.Kirchengemeinde - Luxemburg
Type of partnership: international exchange (more than 3 partner countries)
Project start date: 01/06/08
Project end date: 29/09/08
Activities start date: 18/07/2008
Activities end date: 28/07/2008
Places of exchanges: Leiria, Fatima, Souto de Carpalhosa - Portugal
Number of participants: 13 students from American College Arcus®
Project description:
Intercultural Youth Exchange, working language - English
Project objectives:
Rationalization of young people’s spare time;
Intercultural dialogue;
Environment, historic and cultural preservation;
Raizing youg people’s awareness that they are European citizens;
Developing a common sense of European citizenship based on common values, as well as being aware of the need to respect and nurture the continent’s vast cultural diversity;
Encouraging youth mobility in the European Union;
Fostering tolerant attitude, accepting foreign, different cultural characteristics.