
Class of 2016 Graduation Ceremony

The graduation ceremony for class 2016 was held today. This is just another year in which our graduates have scored high on the matriculation exams; they particularly came first among all district high schools with a 5.38 average result in the Bulgarian language and literature state exam. 

Mr Banko Bankov, member of the Trustees Board, gave his greetings. "On behalf of Arcus Company I congratulate you and would like to tell you that we are so much proud of you. Good luck!" wished Mr Bankov. Mr Petar Ivanov, head of school, presented the graduates with their diplomas. According to tradition, they also received the honorary badge of the school.

Mr Gancho Karabagakov, deputy mayor of Veliko Tarnovo municipality, was next in wishing the graduates bon voyage. He pointed out that the high quality education the school offers enhances the European image of the city and the overall level of education in Bulgaria.

Ralitsa Genkova is the 2016 class valedictorian with a GPA of 5.98; Ivan Stoyanov is the class salutatorian with a GPA of 5.96. Their emotional addresses to their peers were loudly applauded. The graduation ceremony was closed with the traditional throwing of square hats in the air.
