8th graders participated successfully in an international writing competition "We Are Writers"...
8th graders participated successfully in an international writing competition "We Are Writers"...
8th graders participated successfully in an international writing competition "We Are Writers". They had their works published as a beautiful paperback by SCHOLASTIC. ...
‘Being a Don Quixote in the 21st Century’...
‘Being a Don Quixote in the 21st Century’...
‘Being a Don Quixote in the 21st Century’, a collaborative project by Branimira Vasileva (10a), Ivana Shiderova (8a) and Elitsa Petrova (8a), won first place in the Eco Campaign catego ...
Ivan Kunev (10a)...
Ivan Kunev (10a)...
Ivan Kunev (10a), who has been awarded a 60 000–pound scholarship by Bromsgrove International School in Thailand, came first in the national round of the SPARE competition with his project f ...
Supported by Mrs. Albena Todorova, students from American College Arcus...
Supported by Mrs. Albena Todorova, students from American College Arcus...
Supported by Mrs. Albena Todorova, students from American College Arcus won first place at the Second Festival of Students’ Drama Productions in English with an excerpt from the play Steel M ...
SPARE competition
SPARE competition
Ivan Kunev (10a), who has been awarded a 60 000–pound scholarship by Bromsgrove International School in Thailand, came first in the national round of the SPARE competition with his project f ...
Festival of Students’ Drama Productions
Festival of Students’ Drama Productions
Supported by Mrs. Albena Todorova, students from American College Arcus won first place at the Second Festival of Students’ Drama Productions in English with an excerpt from the play Steel M ...
Коледно математическо състезание
Коледно математическо състезание
През учебната 2009 - 2010г. Иван Кунев 10а и Апостол Атанасов от 8а клас спечелиха първи места в Коледното математическо състезание в своите възрстови групи ...
Obligatory matriculation exams
Obligatory matriculation exams
In 2009 the students of American College Arcus had the highest average results in the obligatory matriculation exams in the district - Excellent (5.50). ...
Ivan Kunev (9a) and Yolina Kostova from (11c)...
Ivan Kunev (9a) and Yolina Kostova from (11c)...
Ivan Kunev (9a) and Yolina Kostova from (11c) won the Christmas competition in Mathematics in their age groups.  ...
Alexander Raychev (9a)...
Alexander Raychev (9a)...
Alexander Raychev (9a) came first in the National Photographic Competition “Take a Picture of Europe”, organized by the Government of Bulgaria in connection with the Bulgarian membersh ...
The college newspaper American College Arcus Digest®...
The college newspaper American College Arcus Digest®...
The college newspaper American College Arcus Digest® won the top prize in The Second National Students’ Competition for Literary Works and Journalism ‘Stoyan Mihaylovski’, Ro ...
Victor Baydakov (10c)...
Victor Baydakov (10c)...
Victor Baydakov (10c) won the second place in the district round of the Biology and Health Education Olympiad which took place on March 23, 2008. The students from the Biology section of the Sci ...
The Civic Protection team...
The Civic Protection team...
The Civic Protection team won fourth place in a local competition testing students’ skills in giving first aid in times of emergencies, human and natural disasters. ...
Students of American College Arcus made a multimedia presentation...
Students of American College Arcus made a multimedia presentation...
Students of American College Arcus made a multimedia presentation on Charles Perrault’s works, inspired by the 380th anniversary of the writer’s birth, at the Foreign Languages Centre ...
The students of American College Arcus (IB School)...
The students of American College Arcus (IB School)...
The students of American College Arcus (IB School) were awarded The Crown and the Sceptre at a youth forum Veliko Tarnovo and Sofia – Two Bulgarian Capital Cities, Together in the United Eur ...
Vasil Stefanov (11b)...
Vasil Stefanov (11b)...
Vasil Stefanov (11b) came first in his age group in  the Christmas competition in Mathematics. ...
National Photographic Competition “Take a Picture of Europe”
National Photographic Competition “Take a Picture of Europe”
Alexander Raychev (9a) came first in the National Photographic Competition “Take a Picture of Europe”, organized by the Government of Bulgaria in connection with the Bulgarian membersh ...
Day of Europe
Day of Europe
The team of American College Arcus have greatly enjoyed their wonderful performance in a competition organized by and held in Zlatarski IB World School, Sofia, to celebrate the 9th of May, Day of ...