
Ecoclub "Green Guards" on a visit to 2 important institutions for environmental protection at local level

On the occasion of the World Environment Day, our students from the Green Guardians Eco-Club recently visited two institutions for ecology at the local level with great importance - the Information Center at the Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water, Veliko Tarnovo, and the Regional Laboratory in Veliko Tarnovo at the Executive Environment Agency. The teacher who prepared the extraordinary lesson was Jenna Staykova.
At the Information Center of RIEW, Chief Expert Milka Asenova introduced the students to the subject of activity of the institution - various categories of protected sites and important biological species of the biodiversity of our region, as well as to the Red Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. The students shared the environmental projects developed during the Biology and health education classes.
In the hydrobiology laboratory,  Krasimira Stefanova, head of the Regional Laboratory, kindly welcomed our students.

Chief expert Plamen Lenov introduced the young people to methods for determining the purity of the water - through the study of indicator species of macrozoobenthos (bottom invertebrates), macrophytes (aquatic plants), and phytobenthos (attached flint algae).  The opportunity for students to have real-time observation and identification of some of these biological species was overly exciting.
