
Graduation of the Class of 2024

Graduation of the Class of 2024, summarized in a dozen photos and several touching speeches: the leader of the class, Konstantin Yordanov, wisely reminded all of us through his words what is behind the motto of the American College of Arcus – "Knowledge, Freedom, Perfection": through knowledge "we become more conscious and able to pursue our dreams"; "freedom comes with responsibility"; "perfection is not an end goal, but a continuous process of development". 

Lora Radoycheva and Nora Tsaneva, also excellent students, excited us with their emotional and sincere words in their speeches. They, too, took us back to that moment, on the threshold of real life, when "the future may seem uncertain, even scary at times," but filled with "endless possibilities from which we must choose."
We are seizing the moment to insert some dry statistics from this year's results of our high school students. As we have already mentioned, we have three excellent students with excellent performance in the matriculation exams:

1. Konstantin Yordanov, the grade from the matriculation exam in Bulgarian language is 6.00, and in English - 5.96. His overall secondary education score is 5,987;
2. Lora Radoycheva, the grade from the matriculation exam in Bulgarian language is also 6.00, and in English - 5.89. The overall secondary education score is 5,982;
3. Nora Tsaneva, the grade from the matriculation exam in Bulgarian language is 5.89, in English - 6.00. The overall secondary education score is also 5,982.
To our three excellent students, we add a few more high school students who have excellent grades on the matriculation exams:
- In addition to Konstantin and Laura, Nevena Boyadzhieva, Venislava Vasileva, and Eleanor Nikolova received excellent A's on the matriculation exam in Bulgarian language and literature;
- in addition to Nora, Martin Nedev, Naum Radoslavov, Monika Bourgoudjieva, and Kalina Karamelska received excellent A's on the matriculation exam in English.

But these are not the only excellent performers. Although she has incomplete excellent grades, with a score of more than 5.50 in the matriculation exam in Bulgarian language and literature are Monika Burgudzhieva, Pavlina Popova, Kalina Karamelska, Magdalena Sirakova, Kristiyan Yordanov, Lyubomir Panev, Momchil Genchev, Tiana Dimitrova, Sofia-May Ganev, Anna Lovetskaya, Beloslava Radeva, Victoria Ivanova, Delyan Rusev, Angelina Nikolakeva, Ivonne Paneva, Daniel Iliev and Yana Taneva.

With a score of more than 5.50 on the matriculation exam in English are Alisa Carlier, Ivonne Paneva, Gabriela Dimitrova, Amir Kosimov, Daniel Iliev, Momchil Genchev, Anna Lovetskaya, Iren Baycheva, Pavlina Popova, Plamen Garvanski, Delyan Rusev, Nevena Boyadzhieva, Kristina Buyuklieva, Raya Petkova, Venislava Vasileva, Nia Tsacheva, Pavel Papazov, Trayan Todorov, Sofia-May Ganev, Nikola Shtarkov, Yana Taneva, Beloslava Radeva, Magdalena Sirakova and Lyubomir Panev.
We are so proud of the results achieved by our graduates!

Photo credit: Ventsy Yordanov
