Members of the "Model United Nations" discussion club
Members of the "Model United Nations" discussion club
Members of the "Model United Nations" discussion club ...
Shooting competition Artemis.
Shooting competition Artemis.
The shooting competition Artemis was held on 1st December. Elisaveta Gilina from 12 IB was the winner. ...
Christmas tree.
Christmas tree.
The IB students decorated the Christmas tree at the College. ...
Internatioanal Anti-Smoking Day exhibiion.
Internatioanal Anti-Smoking Day exhibiion.
An exhibiion of drawings related to the Internatioanal Anti-Smoking Day was arranged in the college foyer. ...
Aired live on Nova TV's
Aired live on Nova TV's
Just in tune with the US election campaign for President, the newly-elected student president and his team were aired live on Nova TV's morning news ...
Trip to Romania.
Trip to Romania.
As part of their trip to Romania students visisted a couple of historical places: Peles Castle, Peleshor Palace, Count Dracula's Palace and the Black Church in Brashov. ...
Helloween party.
Helloween party.
Students from American College Arcus had a nice Helloween party in the Casa Muresan Hotel in Romania. ...
The day of the elections began
The day of the elections began
The day of the elections began with giving out sandwiches, sweets, candy and cucumbers ...
School president election.
School president election.
The candidates for school president of American College Arcus® presented their statements. ...
The Charity Club Faith and Love
The Charity Club Faith and Love
The Charity Club Faith and Love brought warm clothes to the children of the Penyo and Maria Velkovi home for orphaned and abandoned children. ...
The new school year in the American College Arcus ® was opened with flowers and smiles.
The new school year in the American College Arcus ® was opened with flowers and smiles.
The new school year in the American College Arcus ® was opened with flowers and smiles. ...
On June 28th 2008 American College Arcus® held the first graduation ceremony in its history in which the graduates of year 2008 received their Diplomas.
On June 28th 2008 American College Arcus® held the first graduation ceremony in its history in which the graduates of year 2008 received their Diplomas.
On June 28th 2008 American College Arcus® held the first graduation ceremony in its history in which the graduates of year 2008 received their Diplomas. ...
The gala night of the end of school
The gala night of the end of school
The gala night of the end of school year celebrations and the presenting of The Annual Awards Oscarius Idol 2008 were charged with emotion. ...
Photos Exhibition: Alexander Raychev
Photos Exhibition: Alexander Raychev
On the 24th of June, the day of the school celebration, Alexander Raychev, a student from grade 9 and passionate photographer, exhibited his own photos of Veliko Turnovo. ...
Miracles Doing Good
Miracles Doing Good
On the 23rd of June college students presented their collection of stories organized in a book called Miracles Doing Good. Illusions and Reality. They also organized a charity sale of sweets and a ...
The first graduates
The first graduates
American College Arcus® first graduates were saluted by the Mayor of Veliko Tarnovo, Rumen Rashev. ...
A symbolic plate
A symbolic plate
The Chairman of the Board of Trustees Mr Banko Bankov, the Mayor of Veliko Tarnovo Rumen Rashev and the Director of American College Arcus® inaugurated a symbolic plate near Tsarevets, to sign ...
prize!  The First Alumni
prize! The First Alumni
The first alumni in the American College Arcus® history celebrated their last day at school with a big ceremony in the auditorium on 21st May 2008. ...
