
End of the 2018/2019 School Year

A ceremony held in the auditorium marked the end of the 2018/2019 School Year for the American College Arcus. All excellent students were awarded a certificate for achieving exemplary academic results. The Director congratulated the students who have not achieved excellent grades but have shown significant progress in their studies. The students from grades 10 a and 10 b received their Certificates in Digital Competence for demonstrating exhaustive skills and knowledge in the National Digital Competence Assessment. The Director gave the participants in the Creative Writing competition in English their Certificates of Attendance. Special attention was paid to the students who presented American College Arcus at the Regional and National rounds of the Olympiads in English, Physics and Astronomy, Biology and Health Education and Geography and Economics.
All excellent students with a Grade Point Average of 6.00 had an Honorary Certificate.
The Aneta Karaivanova Scholarship was awarded to Denislav Bonchev from grade 10 b, who achieved excellent results in his studies this year and together with it acquired two exceptionally high personal accomplishments, i.e. participation in the National rounds of the Olympiads in Astronomy and Geography and Economics.
Teacher of the Year became Paunka Yordanova.
