
Let's be tolerant and create a better world together!

Today, 16th November, the students from PSHS American College Arcus Ltd marked the International Day for Tolerance, organized by the “Faith and Love” Volunteer Club. At the entrance of the college, each student received a colourful bracelet with the call: "Let's create a better world – colourful and beautiful!" Boards and posters were placed in front of the auditorium, and colourful balloons with messages awaited them in the building's corridors to remind them daily of the importance of the virtue of “tolerance”. Our students familiarized themselves with the principles of pluralism, mutual respect, and recognition of human personality. Considering these principles, we should always be ready to dispel stereotypes and misconceptions.

On the International Day for Tolerance, it is necessary to find confirmation of the idea that diversity embodied in thoughts, beliefs, and actions is an invaluable gift.

