
Open Day 2018

For one more year in a row PSHS American College Arcus Ltd. welcomed guests from all over the country on 22nd March 2018 - its Open Day. The college staff had prepared interesting interactive games and exercises. Both the college students and the visitors took part in them. The visitors were warmly greeted by the members of the charity club Faith and Love. They were given a small gift - a bilingual edition of Harry Bushman's stories translated from English into Bulgarian by the college students. All the guests had the chance of taking part into different challenging language games in English and German. They visited the fully equipped physics, chemistry and biology rooms and watched some experiments. They were amazed by the young IT students' presentations. The visitors also met the smallest robot in the school. All the teachers thoroughly consulted the 7th grade students by training them for the upcoming admission exam. The students were given instructions about its format as well. They had the chance of checking their knowledge in Bulgarian, English and math. Peter Ivanov, the director of PSHS American College Arcus Ltd., explained to them the latest news in the development of the institution. He highlighted the ambitious new project which will combine the National Curriculum and the IB Diploma Program. The fact that the school has been approved for government funding will help for the decrease of the education fees. 20% of the students will have the chance of being taught for free.
