
Knowledge of geometry

On the 17th of May the students from  9 A class of the American College Arcus and their mathematics teacher Mr. Ilian Yordanov presented their knowledge of geometry, gained in an online environment, in a real, practical one. After months of online teaching in front of the screens they organized a mathematics class on the college playground to show that mathematics, in addition to being fun, is also practically useful. They did an exercise that showed how during a catapult siege, the Romans estimated the distance to the enemy without the roulette and calculation programs we utilize now. For a generation accustomed to using technology, this proved to be quite a challenge. The students were divided into 4 teams, each with only limited time, a calculation sheet of paper and a pen. Pegs were placed in front of them, and the construction of the figure depended on their knowledge and skills associated with similar triangles. The condition was not to deviate from the ropes installed by the teacher, because they were the imaginary river that hindered the ancient people. Despite the initial concern that the task was difficult, the college students quickly organized themselves, stretching the ropes correctly perpendicularly, without the help of a right triangle. The activity intrigued their classmates, who observed the performance with interest during the break.  This practical activity helped the students from the Foreign Languages ​​profile to prove that mathematics is not only useful for everyone but also interesting.
