
Spelling Bee for the first time at American College Arcus

American College Arcus has nominated its first participants for the regional competition of the twelfth Bulgarian National English Spelling Bee. Lusiya Yankova from grade 5 came up first at the school stage which took place on March 1, 2022 at the college. After a couple of close-run rounds Lusiya spelled correctly the word cease and beat Eva Yordanova (grade 5A), who came up second, and Hristo Bankov (grade 5A), who got the third place. Both girls will represent our school at the regional competition, which will take place on March 26, 2022. Congratulations on the effort during the preparation and the courage during the competition, which for their age group (grades 5 to 7) includes words from all levels of English!

Spelling Bee is a traditional American competition in which contestants spell an English word aloud letter by letter and are eliminated for misspelling a word. The aim is to promote English among students, to enhance their knowledge in the subject and to help them acquire more confidence when on stage.
