
Juvenes Translatores
This is just another year in which our school has been randomly selected to take part in the annual translation contest Juvenes Translatores, organized by the European Commission. Alis Georgieva ( ...

Autumn Volunteer Campaign
Members of Faith and Love club in American College Arcus once more brought some joy to their friends from Home 3 of the Family Type Accommodation Centre in Veliko Tarnovo. The donation t ...

A prestigious national award for Maria Tsvetanova (8 a)
Maria Tsvetanova (8a) won the prestigious third place in the national round of the Oral and Communicative Skills competition in English. According to our student her participation in this contest ...

Famous Bulgarians read to children
The Bulgarian boxer Tervel Pulev was a virtual guest to the students of American College Arcus Ltd as part of the national campaign The Book March in October. The three-ti ...

In the footsteps of the Tarnovian awakeners
“Don’t be misled by our name – although our institution is called American College, we value and preserve our Bulgarian roots.’ With those opening words Nikolay A ...

A green lesson
Ecological problems awareness is an important part of the educational process at American College Arcus. The early formation of an attitude towards the issue and the right habits for living can be ...

The sea is not for one holiday only
Yana Petrova from grade 9c was awarded a price and a diploma for her participation in the national competition "The sea is not for one holiday only"- Burgas. Yana got third place in the ...

Green action
On 22.10.2021 Eco club Green Guards from American College Arcus had an initiative related to ecological and health education. On a wonder autumn day, with great enthusiasm and happy mood the stude ...

Naum Todorov was granted a diploma in Applied Arts
Naum Todorov from 10C grade was awarded a Young Talent Prize by Rotary Club, Veliko Tarnovo. Naum received the prize at the official ceremony held by the mayor engineer Daniel Panov. Our student's ...

Following the tracks of the ancient people
During the History lesson the young explorers form % a grade were assigned to become historians and archaeologists and follow the steps of the first people inhabiting our lands. With full immersio ...

Water and life on earth
The 5th graders from American College Arcus were challenged by their Science teacher- Semiha Mehmedova-to design their projects on the topic "Water and Life on Earth". The students' resear ...

National holiday in Spain and Columbus day in the USA
In relation to the date the 12th of October- National holiday in Spain and Columbus day in the USA- the students from 9a took part in an interdisciplinary lesson conducted by the History teacher A ...

Prevention of cyberbullying
On 08.10.21 the students from 8 grades were involved in a discussion entitled: Prevention of cyberbullying and Internet as a safe place. Mrs V. Ananieva, secretary of Local Commission fighting hum ...

Pictures tell everlasting stories
The students from grade 5a - the youngest at American College Arcus- paid a visit to the city art gallery Boris Denev, Veliko Tarnovo. The participated in an open lesson in Art and got immersed in ...

Atoms and Molecules models
On 6th October the students from 5a class, with the enthusiasm of young explorers, made models of atoms and molecules out of plasticine in their class of People and Nature. This practical task ena ...

Exhibition of students' reproductions
American College Arcus lounge is the place where students' works of art are on display. These works are masterfully painted copies of world-renowned painters. The 9th graders worked on these rep ...

International Day of translation
In relation to the International Day of translation students from American College Arcus presented a bilingual recital. The future graduates Dimo Dimchev, Yoanna Genkova, Maria Drandeva and Niko ...

A lesson with the scent of traditional Spanish cuisine
On 30 September students from 9 a class had the chance to use what they have learned in Spanish unit of Food and recipes. They cooked ,, paella española"; some of them had their first bite ...