Water and life on earth
Water and life on earth
  The 5th graders from American College Arcus were challenged by their Science teacher- Semiha Mehmedova-to design their projects on the topic "Water and Life on Earth". The students' resear ...
National holiday in Spain and Columbus day in the USA
National holiday in Spain and Columbus day in the USA
In relation to the date the 12th of October- National holiday in Spain and Columbus day in the USA- the students from 9a took part in an interdisciplinary lesson conducted by the History teacher A ...
Prevention of cyberbullying
Prevention of cyberbullying
On 08.10.21 the students from 8 grades were involved in a discussion entitled: Prevention of cyberbullying and Internet as a safe place. Mrs V. Ananieva, secretary of Local Commission fighting hum ...
Pictures tell everlasting stories
Pictures tell everlasting stories
The students from grade 5a - the youngest at American College Arcus- paid a visit to the city art gallery Boris Denev, Veliko Tarnovo. The participated in an open lesson in Art and got immersed in ...
Atoms and Molecules models
Atoms and Molecules models
On 6th October the students from 5a class, with the enthusiasm of young explorers, made models of atoms and molecules out of plasticine in their class of People and Nature. This practical task ena ...
Exhibition of students' reproductions
Exhibition of students' reproductions
American College Arcus lounge is the place where students' works of art are on display. These works are masterfully painted copies of world-renowned painters. The 9th graders worked on these rep ...
International Day of translation
International Day of translation
In relation to the International Day of translation students from American College Arcus presented a bilingual recital. The future graduates Dimo Dimchev, Yoanna Genkova, Maria Drandeva and Niko ...
A lesson with the scent of traditional Spanish cuisine
A lesson with the scent of traditional Spanish cuisine
On 30 September students from 9 a class had the chance to use what they have learned in Spanish unit of Food and recipes. They cooked ,, paella española"; some of them had their first bite ...
Opening of academic school year 2021-2022
Opening of academic school year 2021-2022
On this year's 15th September American College Arcus opened its nineteenth school year. The opening ceremony was attended for the first time by our youngest students - the fifth graders, togethe ...
Учениците от Хг клас в реална работна среда
Учениците от Хг клас в реална работна среда
На 14 юли 2021 г. приключи производствената практика на учениците от първия випуск на професионалната паралелка „Машинен техник“ - Х „г“ клас на ЧПГ „АК-Аркус“ ...
Успешно сертифицирани ученици по програмата Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Excel 2016
Успешно сертифицирани ученици по програмата Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Excel 2016
За поредна година ученици от ЧПГ „АК – Аркус“ ЕООД  се представиха отлично на сертификационния изпит по програмата Microsoft Office Spec ...
"There is no greater teacher than nature"-this was the motto that highlighted this year's celebration of American College Arcus patron day Enyovden. Students and teachers collaborated to realize a ...
Prosecutors and investigators -  lecturers in in the 8th and 9th grades students' lessons
Prosecutors and investigators - lecturers in in the 8th and 9th grades students' lessons
Prosecutors and investigators from Veliko Tarnovo Regional prosecutor's office were lecturers in in the 8th and 9th grades students' lessons. This initiative is a part of the educational program o ...
Да дарим доброта
Да дарим доброта
  В последната седмица на юни доброволците от клуб “Вяра и Любов“ посетиха възпитаниците на  ЦНСТ Дом №3 - град Велико Търново. За да бъдат спазени наложените мерки за безоп ...
14th Commencement Ceremony
14th Commencement Ceremony
On 19.06.2021 American College Arcus had its 14th Commencement Ceremony. The 2021 graduates were saluted by the Director Petar Ivanov, and the ceremony special guests- Penka Ignatova, Director o ...
"The one who awakens books awakens worlds"
"The one who awakens books awakens worlds"
American College Arcus students won first place in the essay contest entitled "The one who awakens books awakens worlds", which was organised by Veliko Tarnovo Regional Department of Education. Vi ...
"The Great Bulgarian Commanders"
"The Great Bulgarian Commanders"
American College Arcus students from grades 9,10 and 11 were awarded diplomas from Veliko Tarnovo Regional Department of Education since they had an excellent performance in the initiative "The Gr ...
Knowledge of geometry
Knowledge of geometry
On the 17th of May the students from  9 A class of the American College Arcus and their mathematics teacher Mr. Ilian Yordanov presented their knowledge of geometry, gained in an online envir ...
