Opening of academic school year 2021-2022
Opening of academic school year 2021-2022
On this year's 15th September American College Arcus opened its nineteenth school year. The opening ceremony was attended for the first time by our youngest students - the fifth graders, togethe ...
Учениците от Хг клас в реална работна среда
Учениците от Хг клас в реална работна среда
На 14 юли 2021 г. приключи производствената практика на учениците от първия випуск на професионалната паралелка „Машинен техник“ - Х „г“ клас на ЧПГ „АК-Аркус“ ...
Успешно сертифицирани ученици по програмата Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Excel 2016
Успешно сертифицирани ученици по програмата Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Excel 2016
За поредна година ученици от ЧПГ „АК – Аркус“ ЕООД  се представиха отлично на сертификационния изпит по програмата Microsoft Office Spec ...
"There is no greater teacher than nature"-this was the motto that highlighted this year's celebration of American College Arcus patron day Enyovden. Students and teachers collaborated to realize a ...
Prosecutors and investigators -  lecturers in in the 8th and 9th grades students' lessons
Prosecutors and investigators - lecturers in in the 8th and 9th grades students' lessons
Prosecutors and investigators from Veliko Tarnovo Regional prosecutor's office were lecturers in in the 8th and 9th grades students' lessons. This initiative is a part of the educational program o ...
Да дарим доброта
Да дарим доброта
  В последната седмица на юни доброволците от клуб “Вяра и Любов“ посетиха възпитаниците на  ЦНСТ Дом №3 - град Велико Търново. За да бъдат спазени наложените мерки за безоп ...
14th Commencement Ceremony
14th Commencement Ceremony
On 19.06.2021 American College Arcus had its 14th Commencement Ceremony. The 2021 graduates were saluted by the Director Petar Ivanov, and the ceremony special guests- Penka Ignatova, Director o ...
"The one who awakens books awakens worlds"
"The one who awakens books awakens worlds"
American College Arcus students won first place in the essay contest entitled "The one who awakens books awakens worlds", which was organised by Veliko Tarnovo Regional Department of Education. Vi ...
"The Great Bulgarian Commanders"
"The Great Bulgarian Commanders"
American College Arcus students from grades 9,10 and 11 were awarded diplomas from Veliko Tarnovo Regional Department of Education since they had an excellent performance in the initiative "The Gr ...
Knowledge of geometry
Knowledge of geometry
On the 17th of May the students from  9 A class of the American College Arcus and their mathematics teacher Mr. Ilian Yordanov presented their knowledge of geometry, gained in an online envir ...
Judicial system-an informed choice and civil trust
Judicial system-an informed choice and civil trust
This year, as usual, American College Arcus students from 11A grade together with their teacher in Civic education-Ivanichka Slavcheva, visited the Administrative Court, Veliko Tarnovo to particip ...
National Literature Competition for military essay entitled "The New Yovkov"
National Literature Competition for military essay entitled "The New Yovkov"
Viktoriya Ivanova, a student form class 9A at American College Arcus has been awarded a diploma for exceptional performance at the National Literature Competition for military essay entitled "The ...
First place in Veliko Tarnovo Region for three of American College Arcus graduates who achieved excellent results with distinction in the National Matriculation Exams 2021
First place in Veliko Tarnovo Region for three of American College Arcus graduates who achieved excellent results with distinction in the National Matriculation Exams 2021
American College Arcus ranks first in Veliko Tarnovo region with the graduates' exceptional results in the National Matriculation Exams. The average result from the matriculation exam in Bulgarian ...
Philosophy of Law
Philosophy of Law
Judge Stanislav Tsvetkov- administrative head of Regional court Sevlievo- delivered an entertaining online lecture on the functions and essence of criminal law. During their Philosophy class the s ...
Graduation 2021
Graduation 2021
On 03.06.2021 American College Arcus celebrated the graduation of students 2021. The celebration was organized by the students from 11th grade who had prepared special surprises for the gra ...
Awards for the teachers in American College Arcus Ltd.
Awards for the teachers in American College Arcus Ltd.
Ms. Greta Georgieva – a Physics and Astronomy teacher and Ms. Dzhena Staykova – a Biology teacher have been awarded honorary diplomas by the Regional Inspectorate of Education – ...
Excellent results at the regional round of the English Olympiad
Excellent results at the regional round of the English Olympiad
Some of our students, who achieved excellent results at the regional round of the English Olympiad, were awarded during the week when we celebrated the Day of the Bulgarian alphabet, education and ...
Online classes with administrative judges
Online classes with administrative judges
Judge Diana Kostova and judge Mariya Danailova from the Administrative Court in Veliko Tarnovo gave online lectures to 10th-grade students of the American College Arcus Ltd., during their Philosop ...
