American College Arcus

American College Arcus

American College Arcus

American College Arcus

American College Arcus

American College Arcus

American College Arcus

American College Arcus

American College Arcus

American College Arcus

American College Arcus

Important information
Preparatory courses for 7 graders

Mathematics – each Saturday from 9 am to 12.15 pm.

Teacher – Iliyan Yordanov

The course takes place from the beginning of October 2024 to the end of May 2025 (120 classes in total), 30 school weeks). The fee is 150 BGN per month and it needs to be paid up to the 5th day of each month.

The course starts on 5th October 2024.

Bulgarian language and literature

Teacher – Karina Ognyanova

The classes take place each Monday and Wednesday – 7 pm-8.30 pm

The course takes place from the beginning of October 2024 to the end of May 2025 (120 classes in total), 30 school weeks). The fee is 150 BGN per month and it needs to be paid up to the 5th day of each month.

The course starts on 30th September 2024.

Registration deadline – 27th September 2024.

In order for you to take part in our courses, you need to fill in a registration form or to send us an email –

PSHS American College Arcus Ltd. bank account: IBAN: BG56 STSA 9300 0024 5340 68


Preparatory courses for university applicants

Chemistry for 11 graders

The course starts on 1st October 2024. The classes take place each Tuesday: 5.15 pm -8.30 pm.

Chemistry for 12 graders

The classes take place each Monday: 5.15 pm-8.30 pm.

Teacher – Veselka Nedkova

The course starts at the beginning of October 2024 and ends in June 2025 (150 classes in total). The fee is 170 BGN per month. It needs to be paid up to the 5th day of each month.

The course starts on 30th September 2024.

Biology for 11 graders

The course starts on 3rd October 2024. The classes take place each Thursday – 3 pm-6.15 pm.

Biology for 12 graders

The classes take place each Saturday – 10 am – 1.15 pm.

Teacher – Dzhena Staykova

The course starts at the beginning of October 2024 and ends in June 2025 (150 classes in total). The fee is 170 BGN per month. It needs to be paid up to the 5th day of each month.

The course starts on 5th October 2024.

Registration deadline – 27th September 2024.


Dear parents and students,

We would like to inform you that the white T-shirt from the school uniform will be replaced with a colored one with our logo. The colors are as follows:

  • 5th-7th grade – light green
  • 8th-12th grade – light blue

At the beginning of the current school year (2024-2025) all the class teachers will help their students find their size. Then, the initial order will be placed by the school (the manufacturer is “Bonita Style” Ltd.), while all the following ones - by the students and their parents.

The T-shirt prices are not included in the tuition fees. There are different types of T-shirts (plain ones with short and long sleeves; polo shirts with short and long sleeves) and that is why their price can vary from 24.10 BGN to 41.90 BGN.


Bank accounts

For paying tuition fees:

Bank accounts of PSHS American College Arcus Ltd.:
BGN - IBAN: BG56 STSA 9300 0024 5340 68  BIC: STSABGSF
EURO - IBAN: BG34 STSA 9300 0024 5340 76   BIC: STSABGSF

For paying dormitory rent:
Bank accounts of PSHS American College Arcus AD:
BGN - IBAN: BG83 STSA 9300 0020 4567 69  BIC: STSABGSF
EURO - IBAN: BG02 STSA 9300 0020 4567 72   BIC: STSABGSF

The Euroscola competition of the European Parliament has for the third time been won by our students!
The Euroscola competition of the European Parliament has for the third time been won by our students!
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The first career orientation meeting at the American College Arcus
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Visit to the Administrative Court on the Open Day of the institution
Visit to the Administrative Court on the Open Day of the institution
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On October 12th, 2024, UMB Gabrovo organized the annual mathematical competition Hitar Petar. This competition is open to students from 2nd to 8th grade. For another year, we have representatives ...
Honoring World Stroke Day
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Having been invited by The Dr. Stefan Cherkezov Hospital in Veliko Tarnovo, students from IX, X, XI, and XII grades studying Natural Sciences took part in the national initiative "Path of Knowledg ...
A visit with an important message: what cyberbullying is and how to deal with it
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In an increasingly digitized world, it is essential to know how to protect ourselves from cyberbullying and to teach our children how to recognize the prerequisites for it. For this reason  w ...
Active Politics Organization at American College Arcus
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A representative from Active Politics - an organization aimed at educating active young people about democratic rights and duties - visited our college. The occasion was a workshop on civic educat ...
Extraordinary celebration of the Day of the Spanish Nation and Culture
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– ¿ Cómo te llamas? - asked Christopher Columbus, stepping onto the American continent. – Yo soy Leyla. - answered the first-grader of the Private Primary School AC-Arcu ...
Excellent performance in the Cambridge International Exam
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Magdalena Hristova from grade 11 A received her certificate for successfully passing the English Cambridge Exam at level C1. This exam tests the skills of listening, reading, writing, speaking, as ...
3-year junior high school course for training from V to VII grade
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5 - annual training course
American College Arcus offers a five-year course of study and is licensed to educate students in grades VIII through XII. Students are divided at will into three profiles - "Foreign languages", "Software and hardware sciences" and "Natural sciences". The school also offers professional training in the specialty "Mechanical Technician".
Foreign languages
Software and hardware sciences
Natural Science
Machine technician
Аpplication programmer
Testimonials of graduates
E-newspaper - American College Arcus Digest
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Ния Владова
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редколегията на вестника
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