Traditional presentation of Cambridge certificates in the College
Traditional presentation of Cambridge certificates in the College
At the end of the past school year, students from grades VIII and XI sat for the Cambridge English Exams. All our College students successfully passed and were presented with their international c ...
College students - with international certificates in German
College students - with international certificates in German
At the end of the past school year, students from the 9th, 10th and 11th grades studying German as a second foreign language sat for an exam at the Goethe Institute. All the College students who r ...
David Dimitrov from 11b grade - teacher in  School Telerik Academy
David Dimitrov from 11b grade - teacher in School Telerik Academy
School Telerik Academy is the largest free IT initiative for students in Bulgaria. Its mission is to provide equal access to Bulgarian students to modern technological training and to prepare them ...
Best Wishes for the New School Year!
Best Wishes for the New School Year!
The first school day for our newly admitted students was colorful and unforgettable! In addition to the fifth- and eighth-graders in the traditional "American College Arcus" profiles, this academi ...
Our high school graduates from the “Natural Sciences” major at PSHS "AC-ARCUS" Ltd., achieved brilliant results in the admission exams in Biology and Chemistry.
Our high school graduates from the “Natural Sciences” major at PSHS "AC-ARCUS" Ltd., achieved brilliant results in the admission exams in Biology and Chemistry.
The achievements of our students from the "Natural Sciences" major, class of 2023, during the past candidate campaign in medical universities and other higher education institutions with admission ...
Have you ever dreamed of going back in time?
Have you ever dreamed of going back in time?
The second issue of Mind Escape magazine gives you this opportunity. The direction is twenty 2 twenty, and there's no need for a time machine because this year's edition will help you escape reali ...
Only those whose hearts desire to fly, have wings to fly
Only those whose hearts desire to fly, have wings to fly
The department of Bulgarian language and literature can be praised for numerous achievements this academic year! These fascinating girls can be distinguished among their peers with their solid Bul ...
Enyov den tournament for the Cup of the Director
Enyov den tournament for the Cup of the Director
Enyov den tournament for the Cup of the Director had all the teams from all classes in American College Arcus compete with each other. The first three rounds of the competition tested the students ...
Commencement Ceremony 2023
Commencement Ceremony 2023
Preslava Dimkova from grade 12b- subject of study Software and hardware sciences, and Dimana Bozhkova from grade 12c- subject of study Natural Sciences, are the students who graduated with average ...
Meeting dr. Flanagan
Meeting dr. Flanagan
The relation between scientific knowledge and its application in various fields of life has always been a priority in the realization of the education process at American college Arcus, Veliko Tar ...
American College Arcus students with a vision for their future
American College Arcus students with a vision for their future
Students from  grade 10 took part in an essay competition entitled" Are we ready to set up our own business or continue the family business?". Daniel Gandev from 10b was awarded a certificate ...
Happy Farewell, dear graduates!
Happy Farewell, dear graduates!
The graduation ball of the class of 2023 of PSHS American College Arcus® took place on 25.05.2023. Four classes paraded on the red carpet in front of the City Council: class 12a, "Foreign Lang ...
Our youngest students - with certificates of proficiency in English!
Our youngest students - with certificates of proficiency in English!
We are very proud to share with you another achievement of our youngest students. Nine pupils from Vth grade and six from VIth grade participated in the Pearson English Language Competence Competi ...
Class of 2023 - good luck!
Class of 2023 - good luck!
Here we are - all grown up, full of dreams and ambition, illuminated by the bright lights of our celebration! We are parting ways with the school that has become our second home. We are parting wa ...
Nikola Kanchevski  from class IX  first at he "Logos Award 2023 by Lexoro"
Nikola Kanchevski from class IX first at he "Logos Award 2023 by Lexoro"
We are pleased to introduce Nikolay Kanchevski - a student from class IXb, profile "Software and Hardware Sciences" at PSHS American College Arcus®, who achieved exceptional success - he achie ...
Students from grades V and VI - among the best mathematicians in the region!
Students from grades V and VI - among the best mathematicians in the region!
Last month some students from grades V and VI won first, second and third places in mathematics competitions. At the regional round of the National Mathematics Olympiad, the VIth graders took the ...
Headed to the stars
Headed to the stars
Students of PSHS American College Arcus Ltd performed excellently at the regional round of the Olympiad in Astronomy. Bozhidara Toteva, VI a, who finished third last year, has now reached second p ...
